Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Idul Fitri

Hello Assalammualaikum

Like my motto, better late than never, so even i'm late, let me say:

Forgive for all of my fault i ever made :)
Hope we can be a better person after we passed ramadhan.. amin

PS: 2 weeks stayed in village make me lose a lot of stories on blog, after post this entry, i wanna blogwalking to every blog i've followed to wasting my time. hehehe
n thanks a lot for become my followers, hope i can post good entry to read... :)

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb ;)

Monday, September 06, 2010

Back to udik = Mudik.... ;)

Hello Assalammualaikum...

Seperti tahun2 sebelumnya, aku n keluarga aku pasti ngejalanin yang namanya mudik... Alhamdulillah masih dikasih rezeki n umur sma Allah (insyaAllah) untuk b'mudik ria.. ngerasain yang namanya macet2an di jalan, ngerasain numpang sholat di masjid2 sepanjang jalur pantura, ngerasain nahan pipis sampai pom bensin t'dekat, dan yaang pasti, ngerasain lebaran di kampung halaman tercinta... :)

InsyaAllah besok siang aku dan keluarga siap berangkat ke kampung halaman (jawa tengah), dan ditengah ribet2nya mama yang lagi packing baju n oleh2, aku sempetin apdet blog dulu... hihihi *sayup2 kedengeran suara mama yang nyuruh aku beresin baju* :p

Picnya boleh copas dari sini ;)

Sebelum aku n keluarga berangkat, aku mau mengucapkan
Minal Aidin wal faidzin
Mohon Maaf lahir dan batin

picnya boleh copas dari sini

Selamat Menyambut hari nan fitri, semoga kita benar2 mendapatkan kemenangan sejati. Selamat tinggal bulan ramadhan, bulan yang penuh keberkahan... Semoga Allah mempertemukan kita lagi di bulan suci ini dan memanfaatkan waktu sebaik2nya.. :) Amiin...

Siaap?! Ayo supir cilik, bawa kami kembali ke udik :p

Wassalammualaikum wr.wb :)

Friday, September 03, 2010

Just wanna say Hello! ;)

Hello Assalammualaikum...

It's been a long time i didn't updated my blog..
I don't have any idea what will i write on this blog.. i wanna be like another bloggers who always updated their style (what their wore everyday) but, the problem is my camera has a problem, so i can't using it... I just have a Blackberry to take a picture... same as another camera phone, the quality of Blackberry is not good enough.. so i decided to pending take a picture until my camera is back... haha...

Soo.. i just wanna update my blog, n i wanna say thank u so much for my new followers.. the last time i saw my followers is just about 16 followers, but now, i've got 8 new followers and now my followers is about 24 people... Wow.. i'm so happy to meet a new people on this cyber world.. i'm so grateful to all of you.. :)

I'm sorry for my bad english spoken, but i must try to speak english, learning by doing is better than doing nothing isn't it?? hehehe

By the way, this is my outfit when i'm still have an internship on Ummi Magazine (Moslem Local Magazine), FYI the rule in the office is quite strict for the clothes.

I choose to wear a casual outfit

Because i must wear a loose top, sometimes i wear my mom's clothes.. :)

See you.. :)
Wasalammualaikum :)

My Wish List

  • Andromax V
  • Online Shop
  • Rumah Jajan Feeza Faza
  • Minimalis House
  • Suzuki Splash