Thursday, October 14, 2010

Holiday (Super late updated) n Thesis Defense

Assalammualaikum Wr Wb

Hello... it's been a long time i'm not updating my blog. When i get back from my village, i found my internet cable is broken, maybe it bitten by rat. finally i can't connect to internet on my laptop for 2 weeks. now, i can connect to internet again, my brother has fixed it. Thanks a lot my bro :)

I lived on my village for 2 weeks, not so many places i've visited, but i just wanna share some pictures for you all. hehe :D

Me with my Grandpa n Grandma

With my family at Rowo Jombor (klaten)

it's Delanggu Train Station, my local train station.

After goes to jombor with my family, me n my cousins goes to Malioboro by motorbike until klaten train station n continued by train to malioboro (tugu station)

it's me with my niece at kali urang

on our fight toward the Japanese Caves on Kali urang. From 25 caves, we've just came in to 21 caves.

On Japanese Caves. Called Japanese cave because the cave is a heritage of japanese colonial era.

It's Sarangan Lake, located on the border of Central Java and East Java. From my village (Klaten) only takes a trip for 2 hours by car.

In Sarangan, u can easily find people who sell rabbit satay. but I don't eat it, because when I saw a rabbit that has been peeled like the one in this picture, I feel not bring myself to eat it. Rabbit is a cute animal isn't it?!

To round the lake, we can use a motor boat, the rate is Rp. 100.000 for 3 times round

besides using a motor boat, we can also surround the lake by ride a horse. Just pay for Rp. 40.000/horse.

On our way go home, we were blocked by the thick mountain fog, so we decided to stop at the top of the pass of Lawu Mount and take pictures until the fog reduced.

And this is a view of mountains when the fog had reduced.

Ok, There are some pictures of my holiday. And now, i must prepare myself to face my thesis defense which will be held on october 26. Wish me luck! ;)

See u... until i've got my bachelor degree, like my bestfriend who had already been a bachelor degree of communication science.

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb


mawardi said...

Nice Holiday i like it

Anonymous said...

very well information you write it very

clean. I'm very lucky to get this information from you.

Anonymous said...

nuryyyyy... long time no see ^^
senangnya berlibur di yogya... :)
jadi pengen...

Elsa said...

wuuuuah ke Sarangan yaa
terakhir aku kesana pas masih SD. hahahahahahaa... berpuluh puluh tahun yang lalu tuh...

sekarang pasti sudah lebih baik ya.

btw, kita sama. kenapa sih tikus tuh suka banget gigitin kabel ya? kabelku berkali kali digigit tuh, kabel internet, kabel telpon... kabel apapun. kesel!!!

BABY DIJA said...

Tante, Dija belom pernah ke Jogja nih

Amalia Ardiatami said...

wow, i love meeting hijabi friends from jogja, jogja mana say? i follow you back nih ;) keep posting okay!

Unknown said...

Seru ya. bisa jalan-jalan terus..
ajadi pengen....

eLFiRa aRisanti said...


eLFiRa aRisanti said...

suka deh foto fotonya

Amalia Ardiatami said...

Hai nuryyy, aku kasih award loh buat kkak, tolong diliat ya...

hope you like it ;)

Nury said...

@all makasih ya dah mampiiiir dan titip komen.. iya seneng banget deh jalan2 liburan lebaran kemarin...

@tami waaa makasih ya sayaank... ak dah terima n bikin postinganny looh.. hug hug :)

My Wish List

  • Andromax V
  • Online Shop
  • Rumah Jajan Feeza Faza
  • Minimalis House
  • Suzuki Splash